Even the best managed sites can have an unexpected spill emergency. Make sure you and your staff are trained to deal with spills before they get out of hand. Complete the online Spill Kit Induction Training course today to understand both how and why to deal with spills and receive a Certificate of Completion.
This course provides your staff with a basic level of training in environmental awareness and spill kit induction. The level and depth of this training is aimed at the general employee. This course will provide the necessary environmental training to address your due diligence requirements.
The Training Objective
The objective of this training is to reinforce policy on such as; Environmental legislation, Hazard Identification, PPE requirements, Spill Response Procedures, Report and reorder procedures, as well as prevention guidelines.
The Training
This Training covers:
Environmental Legislation
Individual Environmental Duty of Care
Absorbent Selection Criteria
Eight Steps – Handling a Spill
Product disposal
This is a non-accredited program. An individual certificate of completion is issued following the training
$39.95 Per Person inc GST
Approx. 20 minutes
Who should attend
The level and depth of this training is aimed at the general employee