Privacy Policy
Customer Data Policy
All personal data you enter on is stored securely. Firewall and intrusion detection mechanisms are in place to minimize the chances and impacts of attacks. We do not resell or distribute any personal or company information. The purposes for which the data may be used by Absorb Environmental Solutions may include:
- Handling and following up service calls and enquiries
- Direct marketing
Any individual is entitled:
- to ask whether a user of data holds data on them and to request access to and the correction of any such data held
- to ascertain the Company’s policies and practices in relation to data and to be informed of the kind of personal data held by the Company; and
- have their details deleted from our records if requested
For any further information or concerns please contact us at
Absorb Training Privacy Policy
Absorb Training Pty Ltd, Registered Training Organisation (RTO) Number 110032 (PO Box 8099 Woolloongabba) adheres to the Privacy Act 1988 as amended by the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012.
Personal Information – why do we collect it?
Absorb Training, as an RTO, is required to collect information from students to conduct its training operations in compliance with the directions of the regulating body and for commercial purposes.
As from 1 January 2014, each registered training organisation must collect Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS) data from their students and provide it to the regulating body.
As we are a Training Organisation we must use students true identities, anonymity or the use of a pseudonym will not be accepted under Australian Law. Proof of identity is established on the first day of the course by Drivers Licence or similar.
Students who fail consent to all of the requested information on enrolment may be refused entry into an Absorb Training course and also may hinder their access to Government Document retrieval facilities through the Unique Student Identifier. This may also hinder the approval of government funding opportunities.
Personal Information – What do we collect it?
Absorb Training is required to collect information for AVETMISS data and other relevant student information required for the effective running of the RTO and training courses. This information does include sensitive information. The information we collect includes:
- Personal Details:
- Full Name,
- Birth Date,
- Sex,
- Residential Address, and
- Postal Address
- Language and Cultural:
- Country of Birth,
- Languages spoken,
- Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin,
- Disability
- Schooling Level
Personal Information – How do we collect it?
Student information required for AVETMISS data and other relevant student information required for the effective running of the RTO and training courses are collected using our enrolment form, payment gateways, sales processes, and assessment materials.
Students of some of our training courses will be invited to join a related industry association; Absorb Training collects information on behalf of the association using a membership form.
Personal Information – where is it stored?
Student enrolment information is stored securely on as well as our Student Management System. A copy of this information is also backed up to our server along with student’s assessment materials. The assessment materials are also loaded and managed in our Student Management System, where the student may access by logging on to their unique Student Portal, via an individual email address and password.
Any written assessments are scanned and loaded onto our Student Management System and our server before being destroyed by a secure document collection agent.
Any information collected by our payment gateways are stored within their secure servers and are not transmitted to us unless provided with the enrolment information.
Any information collected through our sales processes such as by our sales staff and via our website ‘contact us’ pages are stored on our server.
Information collected on behalf of the industry association via their membership form is stored on our server, and our Student Management System as well as being sent to the industry association.
The Student Management System is stored in multiple secure data centres within Australia.
The Absorb website is stored in multiple secure data centres within Australia.
The Absorb Training server and its off-site back-up server are located within Australia.
Personal Information – what do we do with it?
AVETMIS data is collected for the identification of students, contact details, recording of assessment results, demographics (used by regulating body for census / statistical records for funding and training development), and reporting to the regulating body.
Personal information may also be provided to organisations that are providing funding for the student if required by legislation. In this event the student will be contacted for approval to release this information.
Personal information, course results, and a copy of course qualification may also be provided to employers funding a student’s course. In this event the student will be contacted for approval to release this information.
Other personal information collected through the enrolment process is used for the effective running of course including: safety, comfort, learning needs of students, contact information in the event of an emergency and on-going contact for assessment follow-up, feedback, and issue of qualification or certificate.
Personal information is also used in our sales and marketing processes to market other training courses provided by Absorb Training and the products and services provided by our partner organisation Absorb Environmental Solutions. Students may unsubscribe from receiving marketing material at any time.
Payment information that is collected is only used for the payment of the specific course as detailed in the enrolment form.
Personal information collected on the industry association membership form is sent to the industry association for their records and kept by Absorb Training for the provision of discounts of some of our courses.
Assessment information is collected for the purpose of recording and evaluating a student’s competence. As part of the assessment process, some of Absorb Training’s courses incorporate a site visit. Students are required to sign and submit a Confidentiality Agreement and submit a site report to the premises visited. The Confidentiality Agreement is in place so that students agree not to pass on corporate information about the site. The reports and the Confidentiality Agreement are submitted to the site for their records. The reports have the student’s details removed.
Absorb Training does not and will not sell, provide or distribute a students personal information to any third party for any purpose other than outlined above unless authorised by or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order or permission is granted by client in writing.
Personal Information – who can access it?
Access to these systems and the information contained within are restricted to Absorb Training Staff, Directors, contracted trainers / assessors in the performance of their duties pertaining to the running of the RTO, the Finance Department of the Absorb Group for the execution of payments / refunds, IT support personnel employed in the management and security of data and Absorb Environmental Solutions sales staff in the performance of their sales duties.
Accessing or correcting personal information
Students requesting to access their personal information will be required to ‘show’ proof of identity before personal information will be released to them from Absorb Training.
Correcting personal information may be done through the online event management system (prior to any course commencement), by accessing the Student Portal in the Student Management System or by contacting the Privacy Officer (Training Officer) and requesting that the personal details be corrected.
- Contact person: Privacy Officer (Training Officer)
- Telephone number: 1300 554 180
- Email address:
- Postal Address: PO Box 8099, Woolloongabba Qld 4102
There will be on occasion when the RTO will initiate a request for information to be checked and corrected for the ongoing upkeep of personal information with regard to the RTO day to day operations and compliance requirements.
Complaining about a breach of Privacy
If a student wishes to complain about a breach of privacy, they are to follow the following process:
- The complaint is to be submitted in writing, with a reasonable time to respond to the complaint (usually 30 days).
- In the unlikely event the privacy issue is unable to be resolved between the student and Absorb Training; the student may lodge a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
A student can Lodge a complaint about a breach of privacy by contacting Absorb Training using the contact information below:
- Contact person: Privacy Officer (Training Officer)
- Telephone number: 1300 554 180
- Email address:
- Postal Address: PO Box 8099, Woolloongabba Qld 4102
Contact information for the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner is:
- Website:
- Telephone number: 1300 363 992
- Email address:
- Postal Address: GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001